Well, I got done yesterday what I REALLY wanted to get done, which was contact my former employers (two of them). From my phone conversations, it sounds like they are both hiring, so that’s a good thing. I sent my resume to both, and now it’s just playing the waiting game. I also applied to a third company, big thanks to Melissa for forwarding me the monster’s link.
Didn’t go to the post office, as they were closed. Fortunately, I realized that BEFORE I tried to go there. ‘Cause then I would have just felt like a dumbass. Got my frying pan though. Housewares are bloody expensive!
Got a little bit of cleaning done, and had fun with the offspring. She’s 2 and a half, and OBSESSED with Disney princesses, specifically Cinderella and Ariel the Mermaid. She has this thing where she’s Cinderella, and I’m Prince Charming, and I have to ask her to dance. The first time I said to her “Cinderella, may I have this dance?”. She corrected me and told me to say Please. Someone has to instill good manners in Prince Charming. Sometimes she accepts the dance, other times she runs off and gets me pretend ice cream. That’s the way to do it girl, make the guy sweat it out a bit, then bribe them with food.
Speaking of funny things kids say/do (and toddler years are a riot! Watching the little gerbil spin in it’s wheel, figuring out what to do with the situation!), the other day we went shopping (yes, BEFORE I got laid off) and there was Pez at the register. Kiddo asked politely, so I bought her Pez. The cashier put it in the bag, and as we were walking out to the car, she said “Mama (I love that she calls me Mama), where’s my Pez?”. I said, “It’s in the bag, we’ll put it in your dispenser when we get home.”. She shouts, “No, not in the dispenser, in ME!!”. Ahh, outta the mouths of babes.
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