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Yes, you read that title right! I GOT A JOB! But, first and foremost, I have to issue a correction to yesterday’s blog post. Danielle is not JUST my daycare provider, she is the most awesomest aunt who provides for my daughter as one of her own. And she makes a wicked crab quiche (or is that kishe? I’ll ask Doug). There, are you happy now?? ;)
Ok, so the unemployment is over. I was offered a job yesterday at my first former company as an ops manager/sales position. I start on Monday. And it’s right down the road, which is sweet, too. Now I’m almost embarrassed to have started these posts/hoopla, as I was technically unemployed for only three days *sheepish grin*
Short post today. No Outta the Mouths of Babes Segment, as the newt didn’t say anything witty. But, for your enjoyment, here is the final resting place of Indiana Jones.

This is a 100% true photo – not photoshopped or anything. It was taken at a church cemetery in Berlin, Maryland (Eastern Shore of MD). My husband and I were spending the night at a bed & breakfast, and were killing some time in town. Walking down the street, he was a good 10-20 paces in front of me. I saw the headstone, and screamed at him to come back. He just shook his head at me (I AM an Indiana Jones freak!). When we left town the next morning, I made him stop so I could get the picture.
I feel a bit like a bump on a log, as I haven’t contacted any potential employers the past two days. I fairly confident I will be offered a job from either or both of my former employers, which isn’t good. I need more of a safety net than that – I know I should be out pounding the pavement until I do find something. But a part of me treats this situation like a vacation (and that’s what I’ve been saying to the newt (kiddo), even though I know she wouldn’t understand “laid off”). Also, since I’m being paid my vacation time (which was two weeks worth) from the old job, my mind keeps thinking finding a job isn’t critical until the end of two weeks. Gotta remember the potential lapse between the last paycheck of the old job and the first paycheck of the new job (which I don’t have yet).
So, I’ve realized how my life has changed in the past couple days. Besides the whole, not getting a paycheck thing. Little things, both good and bad, like:
Coffee. I have to make my own coffee now. I used to get a cup o’ joe at the daycare provider’s house when I’d drop off the newt. Or get a cup at work. Now I’m on my own.
Sleeping in. This is a good and bad thing. Good because, well, it’s sleeping in. Bad because I’d stay in bed until 9 or 10 if I could. I need to stay in my old weekday routine, for myself and the newt. I will admit I’m sleeping in about ½ hour more than usual. That’s not bad.
Grocery store. Ok, I had a real nice Giant (grocery store) on my way home from the old job. I knew where everything was in that store, I’d often take my lunch hour to pick up something for dinner, or just run in and grab this or that. I don’t shop at my local supermarket, I have no idea where anything is! Something new to learn.
Lunch. I used to run to the deli right around the corner from the old job for lunch a couple days a week. They had an AWESOME chicken salad sandwich, with grapes and almonds in it in a honey wheat wrap. It was SO tasty. Now, not only do I need to make myself lunch, I’m responsible for making a balanced lunch for the newt, too. Today we had hot dogs with ketchup. That covers the meat and veggie food groups.
Heat in the house. We have a step-down thermostat that drops to 62 during the day. Yes, I can reprogram it, but since we’re a one-income house at the moment, I don’t want to waste a whole lot of energy heating the house. It’s a double-edged sword! I’m damned if I do, and I’m damned if I don’t!
Now for the Outta the Mouths of Babes Segment. The newt said today (after going #2 on the potty) – “We can’t eat poo-poo. It’s yucky”, as she flushes the toilet. For the record, I DON’T feed my child poop. For ANY meal. Granted, I’m not the best cook, and some of the stuff I do cook (that damned sun-dried tomato rice dish a few weeks ago comes to mind) may smell or taste like shit, but I repeat, I DON’T feed my child poop. Where she came up with that statement is beyond me……
Well, I got done yesterday what I REALLY wanted to get done, which was contact my former employers (two of them). From my phone conversations, it sounds like they are both hiring, so that’s a good thing. I sent my resume to both, and now it’s just playing the waiting game. I also applied to a third company, big thanks to Melissa for forwarding me the monster’s link.
Didn’t go to the post office, as they were closed. Fortunately, I realized that BEFORE I tried to go there. ‘Cause then I would have just felt like a dumbass. Got my frying pan though. Housewares are bloody expensive!
Got a little bit of cleaning done, and had fun with the offspring. She’s 2 and a half, and OBSESSED with Disney princesses, specifically Cinderella and Ariel the Mermaid. She has this thing where she’s Cinderella, and I’m Prince Charming, and I have to ask her to dance. The first time I said to her “Cinderella, may I have this dance?”. She corrected me and told me to say Please. Someone has to instill good manners in Prince Charming. Sometimes she accepts the dance, other times she runs off and gets me pretend ice cream. That’s the way to do it girl, make the guy sweat it out a bit, then bribe them with food.Speaking of funny things kids say/do (and toddler years are a riot! Watching the little gerbil spin in it’s wheel, figuring out what to do with the situation!), the other day we went shopping (yes, BEFORE I got laid off) and there was Pez at the register. Kiddo asked politely, so I bought her Pez. The cashier put it in the bag, and as we were walking out to the car, she said “Mama (I love that she calls me Mama), where’s my Pez?”. I said, “It’s in the bag, we’ll put it in your dispenser when we get home.”. She shouts, “No, not in the dispenser, in ME!!”. Ahh, outta the mouths of babes.
So today starts the OFFICIAL Day One of UNEMPLOYMENT (wish the voice-over movie guy was still alive. Need him to say UNEMPLOYMENT for me).
Yep, you read that right. As of 8AM EST, I am officially unemployed. Laid off from my environmental consulting job. They laid off 3 folks (in an office of 26. Which is 10% of the staff. Yippee, I’m in the lucky 10%!).
Sooooo, what shall I do with all my free time? Well, I figure either the house is going to be REALLY clean and smell nice, or REALLY dirty and be covered in bon-bon boxes aka Peg Bundy style. In reality, I hope to get a bunch listed on Etsy (, clean the house (really), and spend some quality time with my daughter. Not necessarily in that order.
So, speaking of quality time with my daughter, hmmm, what am I going to do? I mean, I’ve worked Monday thru Friday ever since she was 6 weeks old, and now she’s two and a half. Yeah, we’ve hung out together on weekends, but usually my husband was home too, so I could have a break if I needed one. Ya know, go to the bathroom by myself, etc. Don’t get me wrong – I would hope by two and half years, I would have figured out for the most part how to entertain and take care of a toddler. But every night before bed I have grand plans for the next day (for example, I’d say to myself, tomorrow I’m going to catalogue each vacation picture with date, time, place, persons and scan those into the computer and create folders and…oh, look, Judge Judy’s on. Hmm, I haven’t seen this episode….wait a minute, was I doing something important?). So, based on my short attention span and playing with kiddo, I doubt I’ll be able to get done what I want to get done today. Which includes going to the post office, searching online for a job, canceling EZ-Pass (that’s another entry), and going to Bed Bath and Beyond, since I have a gift card there and need a frying pan.
All I REALLY want to do today is call my former company (NOT the one that just laid me off. Because that would be just PATHETIC. Call the one I left about 4 years ago). And I’ll do that during kiddo’s nap. Try to do some sweet talking, and hope I don’t have to resort to begging and pleading. Day one of unemployment, I still have my pride. Ask me on Day 14, which is the day my incoming funds will cease (will be paid out my vacation time), and I may resort to begging and pleading.
Honestly, there’s a part of me that’s scared shitless: OMG, what if I can’t find a fucking job? How much do we have in resources? How long could we do this? and another part of me that thinks this is a vacation: oh, I can make stuff and list it on Etsy, and start writing a blog, and finally clean out kiddo’s toy bin and move all the boxes in the spare bedroom into the attic (which, BTW, we moved almost three years ago. Figure if I haven’t needed the shit in three years, moving the box out into the attic is probably alright). I guess both those reactions are normal. Right now, I still have my humor.