Monday, May 04, 2009

Alright, we’re taking a new approach with this blog. For starters, we’re BOTH gonna make a conscience effort to make regular posts. The goal is to post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And each day will have a theme. Mondays are new stuff we’ve done, Wednesdays we’ll profile another artist, and Fridays are grab bag/miscellaneous.

So, off and running for NEW ITEM MONDAY.

I’ve started a new line of woven ribbon eyeglass cases. I got these two listed last night on Etsy.

These cases are made with grosgrain ribbon. If this design takes off, I’ll try it with other types of ribbon, such as satin. Personally, I think these cases are pretty wicked cool. Now I hope others do to.

In addition, I’m trying a new angle (literally) with my pictures. Using a textured cream background vs. gray background, and the first pic shows half the case with a set of glasses. I’d like to think they are more “front-page” worthy. Any feedback or comments are appreciated!